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We currently have 8 years of experience dedicated to providing goods and services in the production, processing, and marketing of coffee, as well as the transfer of business knowledge to seize opportunities with economic, social, and environmental sustainability. Our goal is to contribute to the quality of life of our associated families.

Our farms are located between 1000 and 1800 masl, with varieties such as IHCAFE 90, Lempira, Caturra, Obatá, Catuaí, Parainema, Catimor, and Colombiano


Empresa de Servicios Múltiples Proexo Limitada

We are an organization of coffee producers belonging to the Social Sector of the Economy of Honduras, located throughout the Copan Department and some areas of Lempira and Ocotepeque. Established by 24 founding members in 2016, with our vision to address issues related to climate change and diseases such as coffee rust in our plots, aiming to become more competitive, striving for timely technical assistance and access to differentiated markets, with fair, stable, and consistent commercial relationships.

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To position Honduran coffee as a benchmark of quality in the national and international market, promoting sustainability and creating opportunities for coffee-growing families.


We are a company dedicated to the production and commercialization of specialty coffees with management capacity to contribute to the sustainability of the quality of life of associated families.


My name is Selvin Isaías Alvarado, producer, partner, and director of PROEXO. I proudly say that I belong to it, as it has greatly contributed to my well-being and my family's as well.I have been benefited from the different projects and programs offered by the company, which have allowed me to train in very important topics related to good agricultural practices. Through this, I have been able to contribute to the improvement of the environment, soil conservation, and efficient use of natural resources. Additionally, I have received timely loans, provision of necessary inputs to maintain productivity, and the opportunity to process the harvest in the company's wet and dry processing facilities. I am deeply thankful for the dignified treatment I have always received from all the team of the PROEXO Family.

Selvin Alvarado

Partner and Producer

PROEXO has been much more than a company to me; it has been a true catalyst for well-being and growth. Through the various projects and programs it offers, I have had the invaluable opportunity to train in fundamental topics such as good agricultural practices



“Proexo is one of our leading cooperatives to work on our mission in Honduras”

Farmers Direct

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Are you a producer within our coverage area?


Aldea El Centro, Área Industrial Corquín Copán, Honduras


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